How to Use ACME Voicemail
Please note, to check voicemail you need to have signed up for voicemail service.
To check your ACME voicemail from your home or office phone, dial *318 once you have a dial tone.
You will be asked to enter your password followed by the # key. You now have access to voicemail.
To check your ACME voicemail from outside your home or office, dial 219-809-0901.
You will be asked to enter your 10-digit phone number, then your password followed by the # key. You now have access to voicemail.
First time voicemail users, you will need to setup your box by following the prompts after you login. The default PIN is 315736, which you will be required to change.
To listen to your message press 1. While listening to your message(s)
Press 3 to delete the message
Press 2 to save the message
Press 1 to replay the current message.
To check your voicemail online go to
Here you can check voicemail and change voicemail settings.